“Jim and I clicked immediately. His style is 100% collaborative. Jim, I appreciate how you let me know what was working (as well as what wasn’t) with the original manuscript and offered suggestions for improvement with kindness and encouragement. Working with you has made me a better writer.”

Shawn Langwell, Author, Ten Seconds of Boldness

“James has that rare ability to not only be an outstanding writer and editor, but also able to share, teach and inspire others to find their own voice in their writing. His thoughtful, nurturing approach to his students – whether teens or adults – and his rich knowledge of language make him an excellent coach/mentor for anyone who needs guidance and encouragement in his or her writing, whether it’s crafting a college essay or a book manuscript. He’s also a fantastic copy editor. I highly recommend James.”

Vicki Larson, Lifestyles editor and writer, Marin Independent Journal

“Mine was not an easy book to edit. It’s a memoir after all, and I was emotionally invested in the contents of every page. What to leave in, what to leave out, how to structure the material, and how to best aim my natural enthusiasm-an excitement that showed itself in my run-on sentences, were all issues I had to deal with.

Jim Baldwin’s sharp but gentle eye helped immensely. With great respect for my work, he digested it thoroughly before offering suggestions. Then, with delicate precision, he began pointing things out that helped me better organize the material and cut away just enough to bring the narrative into focus.”

Lawrence Furman, Author, How Dying Saved My Life: The Memoir of a Slightly Mad Mystic

“As a first-time author, I must say that being guided by Jim Baldwin was one of the best decisions I made. He asked great questions to help me clarify my story. He provided positive feedback, encouraging me that my story was meaningful. Without changing any thought, feeling or intention of mine, he helped me convey my point clearly and with impact.

Working with Jim, I learned the impact sentence structure had on content and how fewer words were often more powerful and direct. He was calm, caring, and worked collaboratively with other members of my team. I am eager to work with him on future books.”

Karen Kaplan, Author, On the Yellow Brick Road

“I so enjoyed working with you! Immediately, your approach was not like other editors I interviewed. They told me what they would do, step by step, without enthusiasm, making the work seem tedious. You expressed excitement about the possibility of working with me. Then, during your process, you asked questions, made suggestions, and offered options. That was exactly what I was looking for. Altogether, it felt like a team approach-a collaboration. I am very grateful.”

Jan Wallen, Author, Raise Your Fees Without Losing Clients